For us it’s not just a theory.
It’s personal.
Haitians helping Haitians
Founders and Managing Directors:
Andre & Ange Forges
Place of Hope in Haiti is located near Les Cayes, Haiti, and was founded by Andre and Ange Forges in 1989. Andre and Ange grew up in Haiti and are very familiar with the challenges faced by Haitian children. Even as a young boy, Andre felt a calling to help the other children and would often bring them to his small house to share what little he had with them.
As Andre grew older, two missionaries, Larry Pawson and Johannes Shuer, helped Andre by paying for his school and getting him a job where he received data input training. Andre was later given a job working for the United Nations where he was responsible for the distribution of relief.
Place of Hope in Haiti first began as a small rented house. It was just big enough for some children to come for a meal and receive some clothing and assistance in paying their school fees. In 2003, a larger house was rented and for the first time, children could come to live full-time at Place of Hope in Haiti. In 2004, through the generous contributions of many supporters, Andre was able to purchase land and begin construction of the new campus, which became known as Place of Hope in Haiti.
Today, Place of Hope in Haiti is able to house up to 70 children. Not only does our home provide basic needs and a safe environment for our children, but we have developed our campus to include our Hope Church, Deaf School, Medical Center, and our Education & Vocational Programs. Our children learn responsibility and how to be self-reliant. Our programs provide them with strong spiritual, scholastic and vocational education. Traits that will help them succeed in life. For over 30 years Place of Hope in Haiti has been building a bright future for Haiti by educating its children.

Our Board Members

Barry is excited to be rejoining the POH board as the chairman
Residing in Naples Florida since 1989, Barry has been married for over 32 years and is the father of 3 children and has 4 grandchildren
He currently serves with his wife Cori in the youth department of their local church. Barry and Andre been close friends since 2000 and have worked together to support POH since its beginning at its present location. Barry has always had a heart for missions and brings to the POH team a passion for Haiti as well as 15 years experience in the field property management. Today Barry and his wife Cori own their own business in Naples repairing and remodeling homes. Barry travels to POH where he is able to use both his heart for ministry and skills in construction to help with various projects. If you were to ask Barry how he plans to lead the new POH team
He would say “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and do not lean on your own understanding in all of your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path”
Proverbs 3:5-6

Kelly was longtime foster parent for medically and emotionally challenged infants and children. She has worked in social work with helping unitte parents and children within the foster care system and has a heart for children at risk. She has worked in street and prison ministries throughout her life and has a deep passion for missions and working the mission field. Married with 5 children and four grandchildren, she homeschooled three of her children. Kelly also has a strong background in teaching and education and adores making learning creative and exciting.

Michael brings with him almost 40 years accounting and financial advisory experience, and is excited to be rejoining the POH board as the Treasurer.
Michael is a native Floridian and holds a bachelor’s degree in finance from FSU. He also obtained his CPA certification in 1987. Upon moving to Naples in 1993, he joined A.G. Edwards and Sons as a financial advisor, then started his own financial advisory firm in 2006.
Michael is married to his wonderful wife Ana, and they have two children and 4 grandchildren. Michael came to Christ in 1985, and experienced firsthand the new life promised to all those who trust in Him (2nd Corinthians 5:17).
Michael is humbled and honored to help live out James 1:27 ”Religion that is pure and undefiled before God is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”
The Plan:
We invest your donation into long term efforts that help prepare children to lead the needed change in Haiti.

Provide quality education & vocational training

Instill faith based values and life skills